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Showing posts from March, 2014

Problem Solving and Building things

One of our tasks for EOTC Week was to set a building goal, work as a team to problem solve to achieve our building goals.  We also spent some time problem solving as individuals.  Miss Laxa set 4 tasks based on a television show from both the Philippines and USA.  One task was to balance a can on it's side by altering the water levels.  Other tasks include catching ping pong balls in cups, building a domino style track using CD cases and directing a balloon using only an air pump.


We learned some useful throwing and catching skills.  It was also great to learn how to bowl correctly for cricket.  We enjoyed playing games that allowed us to practice the skills we were learning.

Life Education Caravan

It was great to see Jess and Harold from the Life Education caravan.  Jess shared lots of interesting information about our bodies and we enjoyed Harold's karaoke.


We were lucky enough to receive professional swimming lessons by qualified swimming instructors.  We spent 2 weeks learning many swimming skills.  This will be followed up by another 2 weeks of lessons later in the year.

Assembly - Active Learning

For our assembly we decided to share our learning maps.  We spent a long time identifying the writing barriers we have.  We presented those barriers as dangerous freshwater creatures of our choice.  The river houses the dangerous creatures that we identified as barriers to our success in writing.  The idea of active learning is still new for us so the process was heavily scaffolded by our teacher, Ms Corbett.  Likewise our assembly presentation was also guided by Ms. Corbett.  It is our goal to be more active in what we present both online and to our friends and other teachers in assembly.  Here are some samples of the maps we did with a few of the barriers highlighted for each.


The Year 5s had a very successful EOTC week.  The students were given several opportunities to problem solve and to work as a team.  They were able to challenge themselves on the Climbing Wall, the Flying Fox and working in groups to build ladders and stretchers.  It was an excellent overnight experience to prepare students for next year's week long camp.