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Beep Test

We have been doing the Beep Test now for a few weeks.  Unfortunately we had a big break of about 2 weeks in between.  Twice now I have pulled my calf muscle.  I want to research about preventing that injury so I can run further.  I’m going to find a way to increase my current score of 2.4 to my goal of 5.1.  

Please add the information you have found to improve your Beep Test Score.  Include your Lowest Score AND Current Score AND Your Goal.  

fake beep compressed.jpg

Room 11

My lowest score is 1.4.  My current score is 2.4.  My goal is 5.1.  I Am frustrated because I keep pulling my calf muscle.  I think I have to warm up my muscles and stretch my calf before I run.  I will see what information I can find on the internet.
My lowest  beep test score is 2.6. My highest score is 3.1.My goal  is 7.9
My lowest beep test score I have ever gotten was a score of 4.7. I do not have a current score because I did not want to do the beep test today. My goal is to get up to level 6 again. I have found that the ways to improve on the beep test is to: 1] Rest 2] Wear suitable clothes and footwear for running 3] Wear clothing that is not too baggy and clothing that does not SQueeZE very tight onto you. If you want to find out more info, go to this websiteScreenshot 2014-04-08 at 11.47.33 AM.png
My lowest score is 2.6. My highest score is 5.6. My goal is to gte to level 7.2. The information that I got from the internet was you should drink water before and after the beep test and wear suitable clothes,eat a nutritious breakfast and don’t eat too much.
My lowest score is  2.6. My current score is 2.6. My highest score is 6.3. My goal is to get to 8.7.
my lowest beep record was 2.1 because I got tired and needed a drink of water. My goal is to get to level 10 or higher and try my best to beat level 10.  and try my very best to win the beep test and try my highest to beat that level and try to get to level 11 or over.
My lowest score is 1.5. My current score is 3.2 .My goal is 6.5. I am not imprested by my scores.Beacuse we didnt do the beep test for a long time.I have learnted that you have to drink a little bit of water before the beep test
My lowest score is 1.7 my current score is 8.8 and my goal is to get to 9.9 tomorrow
i will go and do the beep test and i will try
to reach my goal
My lowest score is 3.3. My current score is 6.2. My goal is to beat level 8. The info I found is you should do aerobic type training to improve your score.
My lowest score is 5.8. My highest is 9.2. My goal is 10.8. By bringing the right shorts and the right shoes. And tommorow I will try to eat a food with lots of energy for breakfast.
My lowest score is 3.1.The info i found was to drink a few sips before the test.My goal is to get more they 3.1 or 7.1.
My current score is 2.2. My goal is to reach 2.9.
My lowest score is 2.7. My current score is  5.5. My goal is 6.9 i learnt to have a little bit of water.
My lowest score is 3.9.My curent score is 4.2 My goul
is to get to level 7.1.
My lowest score is 2.2. my current score is 2.2. My  goal is to get 6.5.
My lowest score is 3.9 because i drank too much water before it. My high score is 5.1 before that beep test i didn't drink water. My goal is to get 6.1 by  bringing shoes.  By liam !!!
My lowest score is 2.5 my current score is 9.8 my goal is to reach 7.2 my information is that i need is to drink a little bit of water but not too much water.
My lower score was 2.7 and my current score  was  4.1. my goal is to get 6.1. i’m still finding information about how to pass my score in the beep test and drink a little bit of least water.
My high score 6.6,My lowest score is 2.3 and my gaol is to get 7.1.
My lowest score is 2.3 most of the time . My goal is 8.9 because I don’t want to go to high.on google we know
My lowest score is 2.1 my current score is 2.4 my goal is to reach 4.3.And the info i need to find how much water i need to drink before and after the beep test.
My lowest score is 2.1 my current is 7.4. My goal is 8.7 and i am going to  do that i s eat lots of bananas drink a normal  amount of water (1 l)
. Eat spaghetti the night before because it has lots proteinten.
My lowest score is 2.7 my current score is 8.2 I want to get to 9.7.
My lowest score is 2.7 my current score is 2.9 which really doesn’t make a difference. My goal is 5.6.
My lowest score is 2.6. My highest is 5.6. My goal is to reach level 9 by bringing my running shoes and bring the right shorts. I will do it everyday.
My lowest score was 3.7. My current score is 3.8. My goal is to reach  6.4. The way that I could have gone further is that if I wore shorts and a short sleeve shirt. I should drink just a little bit of water.


  1. Hi Room 11,

    I like how you guys wrote about like how fast you ran and wrote your lowest scores and highest scores.Also I like to have relays at home with my family.How fast is your teacher?.

  2. Hi Room 11,

    Im from wesley Intermediate. I remeber doing the beep test at primary. Its fun and tiring.My highist would have been 4.8 but my lowest would be 2.3. Keep up the good work and have fun doing the beep test. Jade

  3. hey guys i really like the stuff you guys have done i can remember the first time i did the beep test it was fun and ugly at the same time.


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