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Ako Hiko Film Festival Entry

Painter Potato


  1. Hi my name is Sopheighra from Wesley Primary School!

    I loved how you used a potato! That's actually funny! I hope you make more films in the future. Maybe you might even become an animator when you're older!

    Hope to see more posts. Blog you later! :D

  2. I love the way you did the animated
    and also I love how it was so sweet

  3. Hi Room 17,

    I thought your animation was amazing. It was funny and well thought out.
    What was the potato doing in your movie? and How long did it take you to create your movie?
    Did the whole class make the movie or was it made by an individual student.
    We liked your music that you used.

    From, Miss Paton and Room 2

  4. Hi Room 17,
    I liked your movie because it was funny. Keep up the good learning.
    from ATHENA.


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