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Sharing our maths ideas

We are learning to talk about our ideas in maths. We are learning to listen to each other and ask others for support when we don't understand. We know that everybody has something valuable to contribute in each discussion.  Our teacher was very proud that we persevered even when it was challenging.  Our teacher was very happy to see us collaborating and sharing our ideas about our learning.  Ka pai Room 21.


  1. This post is the highlight of my day Room 21. You are demonstrating so many of our learning values right here! I can't wait to be back at school with you all so I can come and watch you engaging in this process. Clever learners!

  2. Talofa Rm 21:)
    Loved reading your blogging post and how you found the activity challenging, yet continued with the activity trying to get to a solution.
    That shows great resilience, that you wanted to work through challenging moments
    Well done and keep up the perserverence when facing challenging moments.
    Ms Siohane.

  3. Looks like there is some amazing mathematical thinking going on in Room 21. I really like how you were all brave enough to stand in front of your group and sharing your thinking. It is great to see you all collaborating and sharing your thinking!

  4. Ka pai to mahi Room 21!
    What a fantastic example of collaboration and resilience! I'm looking forward to what you will be learning next!

    - Miss Laxa


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