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Lockdown Learning - adjusting to change

 For writing today we shared our thoughts and experiences of this latest lockdown.  I shared my writing to model personal voice, capital letters and grouping ideas into paragraphs.  I was heartened by the resilience these students have shown during uncertain times. It was reassuring to see how students were committed to routines. There were more flexible parameters because we are stuck at home but most students stuck to daily routines around getting up at the same time everyday, brushing teeth, showers, Google Meets, breakfast. They also enjoyed the freedom of sleeping right up until the Google Meet at 9:00am, working on the couch, taking breaks when they wanted them, eating food when they felt like it, playing music while they worked. These were the small things they were grateful for. Every student was able to share something they were grateful for. Gratitude goes a long way to maintaining a healthy wellbeing.  Here are some un-named examples of today's writing.


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